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is there

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June 27, 2008
Posts: 1

PostPosted:     Post subject: is there
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Is there such a thing as having to many jobs . I was really surprised when i got turned down cause i had to many jobs .when do u know how many is to many and what if u had companies close on u . I gues they think ur not a good worker cause u have had to many jobs . Man u can win for nothing they dont want u if u have less then 3 yrs otr and they dont want u if u try to keep working what do u do , to make them want to hire u lie : i hope not . i just want to drive

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`It is a ridiculous policy. Truckers have no real rights in the work place: We are classified by the Federal Department of Labor as "Unskilled journeyman laborers" or some such, which allows these companies to pay us a piece rate (which is illegal in just about every other field) and to require all sorts of unpaid hours out of us, etc. Our only real defense is that it is easy to quit one company and go to another. Now it seems that is gone. It is sad because this was one of the last jobs left that allowed anything close to freedom. People who work in some corporate warehouse or office often can't even go to the bathroom without asking five different manager's permission. Corporate micromanagement is part of what is killing our economy.

Any, honeyfire, enough ranting. I don't see how the number of jobs one has had matters in the slightest and you do what ever it is you have to do to have a job. The company you work for will do anything it can get away with to you, so you owe them nothing.

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June 8, 2010
Posts: 1

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`i may be wrong but i think the reason you would be turned down for having to many job's would be cause they way most company's look at it is "why is the reason this person has had so many different job's "? and then they start to wonder what kind of driver you are if you are hard on your truck different thing's like that . Now like i was saying i likly could be wrong but that is the way i look at it

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April 17, 2007
Posts: 6

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`I'd put yourself in their shoes for a moment. You're looking at an applicant who has bounced from job to job and is asking you to put him in a position of trust(contol of equipment and freight worth hundreds of thousands of dollars with no supervision) when from your limited knowledge of this person is his seemingly inability to hold onto a job. Are you going to take the chance of hiring him or are you going to try another applicant who may seem to have less experience but doesn't carry the odor of "why can't he keep a job?" on him.

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